CP-VAC-T50PL2 Camera CCTV Analog CP PLUS 5 MP Full HD IR Bullet Camera - 20 Mtr.
Spesifikasi :
- 5MP HQIS Pro Image Sensor
- 25/30fps@5MP
- DWDR, Day/Night(ICR), 2D-DNR, AWB, AGC, BLC, HLC
- Plug-n-Play HD/SD Camera
- 3.6mm Lens (6mm optional)
- Equipped with fine IR LEDs for clearer night vision
- IR Range of 20 Mtr.
- Compatible with HDCVI, HDTVI, AHD and CVBS Formats
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Atria Dimensi The Authorized CP PLUS Store Melayani :
. . Pasang Access Door dan Cctv Surveillance.
. . Produk CCTV, Barrier Gate, Alarm, Turnstile.
. . Pemasangan Alat keamanan lainnya
Contact us 021- 82733013 // WA 081908232299 Lokasi : Bekasi
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